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Tagged: accident

Mai  alina banii durerea? 0

Mai alina banii durerea?

In orice sistem juridic, cel care provoaca din vina sa ranirea altei persoane este raspunzator pentru acest inconvenient si ca atare trebuie sa plateasca...

Pericole pe roti in Romania 0

Pericole pe roti in Romania

Peste 80% dintre vehiculele controlate in trafic in Bucuresti, in primele zece luni ale acestui an, au fost descoperite ca fiind neconforme cu reglementarile...

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1 - Registers a unique ID on mobile devices to enable tracking based on geographical GPS location. 2 - Used by Facebook to register impressions on pages with the Facebook login button. 3 - Tries to estimate the users bandwidth on pages with integrated YouTube videos. 4 - Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has seen. 5 - used by AdUnity.com for ad serving purposes, 6 - used by AdUnity.com for ad serving purposes, 7 - used by AdUnity.com for ad serving purposes, 8 - used by AdUnity.com for ad serving purposes

1 - GPS (Youtube.com), 2 - Impression (Facebook.com), 3 - Visitor Info Live (Youtube.com), 4 - YSC (Youtube.com), 5 - auguid (AdUnity.com), 6 - x0.gif (AdUnity.com), 7 - x1daid (AdUnity.com), 8 - x1guid (AdUnity.com)


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